How it Happened

In April of this year, 2015, Rob wrote a letter to the owners of Twin Oaks, expressing his hope that one day when they wished to sell, that they would consider contacting us. When this letter was written and then sent it was with the thought that we may or may not hear back from them. We thought we would be sending them a letter every year reminding them that we were still interested in the house. At that time we had no intention of moving and we were extremely happy with our home.

A week after Rob sent the letter, we received a letter in return. We were absolutely stunned to have heard back so quickly and to read the contents of the letter. 

The owner was preparing to sell the home in the next couple of months and she was absolutely thrilled that we had reached out to her. Before any negotiations began Rob was able to bring his Nanny and his mom over to tour and meet the owner. A couple days later I was able to view house and fell in love with it immediately. From there things moved very quickly and suddenly we were selling our home and preparing to purchase our dream home, one that we would most likely live in for the rest of our lives.

The time between April and August sped by. We were very sad to leave our home as we had put a lot of work into it and built a community around ourselves. The decision to sell our home was one of the more difficult decisions we have made as we had dedicated a whole year of our lives to renovating it.  We knew what we were moving onto was going to be monumental in our lives and we could not let it pass by.

Twin Oaks when it was first built

We really want to revive this old house and return it to what it once was. It is as though everything Rob and I have done in our lives have lead up to this house. Rob is a journeymen carpenter specializing in heritage restoration and I grew up in a heritage house and understand the ups and downs that come along with owning a house like this. We have begun to slow down the decay of the house and each weekend brings a new project that takes us one small step closer towards our dream. 

We already know that moving into Twin Oaks was the right decision, we feel at home here and each job we do is a labour of love that we know is contributing to a bigger picture.