Start of a New Garden
It is February, so it is time to start thinking about our veggie garden. It has been a very mild winter here and it already seems like spring is around the corner.
Snowdrops, the first bulbs to push through and bloom
This is the fourth house we have owned and at least the fifth garden I have worked on and made. January has been full of new green shoots and exciting discoveries as I learn what has been planted in the past.
The garden before
A fenced off vegetable garden had been created at one point but as with the rest of the property, the bushes and plants had overgrown so much that we had to tare down the fencing to properly trim the hedges.
The old trellis for the grapes, jasmine and clematis
The previous owner had attempted to keep the weeds down by placing old carpet between the beds, but without maintenance the weeds and dirt ended up growing through and on it. We had it removed last weekend and it made a great difference.
The garden after
The garden beds were de-weeded, the grape vine trimmed and the earth was turned over.
It is amazing the difference it has made and we are now quite excited to start growing.
Happy rows of garlic
I am going to be starting some seedlings inside, to try to get a bit of a jump start.
The view from above of the garden
I find gardening to be such an exciting and rewarding process and I can't wait to create this space to what I have been dreaming of.