The House through the years
I decided to take some time off of work, I hadn't any time alone in the house since we moved. I mostly wanted to sort through the house and do some organization. Nothing major, just get used to the rhythm of the house.I have wanted to go to the archives to see if they had any additional information or pictures that I had not seen. I haven't had the time to go, due to the operating hours but with a day off of work I was able to go take a look.
Twin Oaks soon after being built
It was interesting but unfortunately it did not have much more information then the information the family has. I was able to find the picture above, which I can only assume is one of the first photos of the house after being built, due the sizes of the trees growing along the fence. It is also interesting to note that on the second floor there is a double hung window that is now a stained glass window.
Twin Oaks
The picture above must have been taken a couple years later as the trees have grown a bit, as have the plants that surround the house. This picture I have seen many times, as it is featured in the Saanich archives heritage listings.
Twin Oaks 2015
Today the house sits much the same as it did back in the 1890's. It has had better days but the original details still exists. It is wonderful to have the old photos to give inspiration and remind us of the heritage of the home.